dreamhamar app: rock the city from your phone or the web

As you already know, there are many ways to get involved in dreamhamar. It doesn’t matter if you are not an architect, you just have to want to. Come to a workshop or a lecture , work on your own…Continue reading

Making a place for culture | Interview with Mocci Ryen, PEOPLE workshops community activator

Public space is all about the PEOPLE using it. It’s very definition – public – assure it’s openness to everyone, without a difference of age or gender, with no need to pay money or to…Continue reading

TEKNOLOGIUKE | inntrykk fra det første verkstedet

read theEnglish version here… Som dere allerede vet, begynner onlineverkstedene denne uken, men først vil vi gjerne fortelle litt fra erfaringene våre fra forrige uke, med TEKNOLOGI som tema. To verksteder og et foredrag om dette emnet…Continue reading

TECHNOLOGY week | first workshop impressions

les den norske versjonen her… As you probably know, this week the online workshops begin but we will not talk about them yet, as first we would like to share with you last week first, since…Continue reading

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