Playhamar | Bring an old toy, make a new a friend, have a merry greener Christmas!

Bring your kids to Stortorget this Saturday 19th at 11 am to enjoy a family event. Games, fun, other kids and toys will be in Stortorget a little bit before Christmas!

There are a few things in this world sadder than a beloved toy that has lost its appeal. It reminds us of the allure of the new and the disenchanment of the old. Like in our society, the old must leave room for the new. So every year thousands of toys end up in the trash. Probably in good condition, but unloved and forgotten.

Lets do things in a different way this year. Lets give our old stuff a second chance. How? Just follow these 3 easy steps:

1) Bring your old toys to Stortorget and exchange them for other kids’ toys.

2) Play with your “new” toys and make new friends – giving is better than receiving, you will see!

3) Enjoy a less consumist and greener Christmas.

Happy playhamar!


PLAYHAMAR | this Saturday 19th at 11 am | Stortorget, Hamar