Author Archives: Noa

Opening Event | One Month To Go!

May the 17th . That was the date of my first visit to Hamar. As you can notice on the picture above, it was a sunny and busy day. Thousands of people gathered on Stortorget…Continue reading

dreamhamar introduserer: Hamar experience fra Høyskolen i Hedmark!

_ image by dreamhamar (Flickr) Belinda Tato og Noa Peer (@ belindatato , @ dolceoblio ) har nå vært i Hamar i en uke og dreamhamar er i full gang. I løpet av forrige uke møtte…Continue reading

Vil du delta i Workshops for Stortorget?

Ønsker du å påvirke fremtiden til byen din? Ønsker du å omsette dine idéer til virkelighet? Er svaret ja, er du invitert til å delta i våre workshops for Stortorget. Start 26. september. Disse seminarene/workshopene…Continue reading

dream[in]hamar Workshops | Open and free

– image based on a photo by eyebeam (flickr) Are a you a resident of Hamar? Do you work in Hamar or at the neighbouring communities? Are you interested in sharing and transforming your ideas about the…Continue reading

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