audun jensen, playhamar’s norwegian heart

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity of meeting Audun Jensen, a teacher with whom we are planning playhamar, a beautiful event for families. Come to Stortorget Square on Saturday 19th at 11 am to find out more (or read this first if you are not fond of surprises). I hope playhamar will to contribute to make Stortorget a playful experience for everybody.

In Audun’s own words: “My dream is that Stortorget will be a playful, creative and social meeting point for people of all ages.  Together with Kulturhuset, Stortorget may contribute to making Hamar city centre an attraction full of life. Perhaps ”Play Hamar” could be a permanent event at Stortorget in the future?”

(foto: Christoffer Horsfjord Nilsen)

Audun Jensen (45), grew up in Hamar and moved back here with his familiy in 2009. He has been working as a Primary School teacher for the last 17 years, and he has also played tennis at a top athlete level. He currently combines teaching at Storhamar Primary School with developing a new ball game called ”Brettball”, an interesting game which wittily combines creativity with physical games. The kids have to design and paint their own boards. The vision is to increase both physical activity and creativity among children, and they are also encouraged to find their own tricks, games and rules for using this creative game. The game is flexible, which allows kids to be part of it bringing in their own ideas.

Brettball started as a school project at Manglerud School (Oslo) in 2000. Then it spread to over 40 schools in Norway. The project won the Lærerstevnes teaching award in 2002.